
The per­fect con­nec­tion: cloud or on-pre­mi­se VoIP telephony

Cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons
accor­ding to your needs

In today’s busi­ness world, VOIP tele­pho­ny is more than ever at the heart of every com­pa­ny. It is the linch­pin for inter­nal and exter­nal communication.

The pos­si­bi­li­ties in the field of tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons are almost unli­mi­t­ed, which is why it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important that we dis­cuss your requi­re­ments tog­e­ther in an initi­al mee­ting. Do all employees work in the office or are the­re also home office work­places? How are your sales repre­sen­ta­ti­ves or instal­la­ti­on teams con­nec­ted to you?

At Con­nec­tics Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Wein­fel­den, we offer a varie­ty of inte­re­st­ing and cost-effec­ti­ve solu­ti­ons that are tail­o­red to your spe­ci­fic needs. Becau­se our goal is to ensu­re that your VOIP tele­pho­ny works opti­mal­ly for you.

Our expe­ri­en­ced team is on hand with exper­ti­se and com­mit­ment to under­stand your indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments and deve­lop a cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­on for you. We spe­cia­li­ze in buil­ding the right infras­truc­tu­re for your busi­ness pho­ne solu­ti­ons and ensu­ring that your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons run smoothly.

Get in touch with us today and let us deve­lop a cus­to­mi­zed tele­pho­ny solu­ti­on for your com­pa­ny tog­e­ther. At Con­nec­tics Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Wein­fel­den, we focus on your needs.

VoIP tele­pho­ny / IP PBX

The effec­ti­ve use of VOIP tele­pho­ny is indis­pensable for every com­pa­ny today, whe­ther for exter­nal or inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. In today’s wide ran­ge of tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons opti­ons, it is cru­cial to dis­cuss your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments in an initi­al mee­ting. dis­cuss.

Cloud PBX

Modern cloud PBX solu­ti­ons offer you all the bene­fits of a phy­si­cal tele­pho­ne system wit­hout the hass­le. Dis­co­ver the pos­si­bi­li­ties of our cloud tele­pho­ny, whe­re you can use all func­tions as if the system were loca­ted direct­ly on your pre­mi­ses. See our com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vice for yours­elf and expe­ri­ence the fle­xi­bi­li­ty of the cloud.

Spe­cial solutions

Let us sim­pli­fy your suc­cess! Our team has sur­pri­sing solu­ti­ons in store that are per­fect­ly tail­o­red to your needs. We are rea­dy to take up your chall­enge and give you a plea­sant sur­pri­se. Trust us to lead your com­pa­ny to suc­cess. Cont­act us today and dis­co­ver how easy it can be to achie­ve your goals.

3CX tele­pho­ne system I Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons I Infras­truc­tu­re I Voip I DECT I Telephony


hosted by Connectics 
CHF  79  per month (excl. VAT)
Mini­mum term 12 months
  • Ide­al für KMU 2 – 10 Mitarbeiter 
  • 3CX Telefonanlage 
  • Pro Lizenz gleich­zei­tig 4 Gespräche 
  • Hosting auf unse­ren Ser­vern
    (CH Based)
  • SIP Trunk 
  • Initialsetup * 
  • Migra­ti­ons­num­mern verfügbar ** 


hosted by Connectics 
CHF  109  per month (excl. VAT)
Mini­mum term 12 months
  • Ide­al für KMU 11 – 25 Mitarbeiter 
  • 3CX Telefonanlage 
  • Pro Lizenz gleich­zei­tig 8 Gespräche 
  • Hosting auf unse­ren Ser­vern
    (CH Based)
  • SIP Trunk 
  • Initialsetup * 
  • Migra­ti­ons­num­mern verfügbar ** 


hosted by Connectics 
CHF  159  per month (excl. VAT)
Mini­mum term 12 months
  • Ide­al für KMU 26 – 50 Mitarbeiter 
  • 3CX Telefonanlage 
  • Pro Lizenz gleich­zei­tig 16 Gespräche 
  • Hosting auf unse­ren Ser­vern
    (CH Based)
  • SIP Trunk 
  • Initialsetup * 
  • Migra­ti­ons­num­mern verfügbar ** 

As your tru­sted part­ner, we rely on the lea­ding solu­ti­on pro­vi­ders 3CX and SNOM to offer you a cus­to­mi­zed com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on solu­ti­on. With a 3CX tele­pho­ne system, you get a com­pre­hen­si­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on plat­form that meets your indi­vi­du­al busi­ness needs. We mini­mi­ze the admi­ni­stra­ti­ve effort so that you can con­cen­tra­te on the essen­ti­als. Put your trust in our exper­ti­se in tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons – cont­act us today.

Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Weinfelden

Your tele­pho­ny solu­ti­ons at a glance 

Instal­la­ti­on and management

Would you like to final­ly replace your out­da­ted com­pa­ny tele­pho­ne system? With a 3CX tele­pho­ne system, you no lon­ger have to worry about its admi­ni­stra­ti­on and installation.

Instal­la­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with 3CX is abso­lut­e­ly straightforward:

  • Use pre-con­fi­gu­red tem­pla­tes for easy inte­gra­ti­on of com­mon SIP trunk providers
  • Bene­fit from the plug & play inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty of IP tele­pho­nes and gate­ways to ensu­re auto­ma­tic configuration
  • Avo­id inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty issues with IP pho­nes tested by 3CX
  • Enjoy advan­ced secu­ri­ty fea­tures, inclu­ding auto­ma­tic updates and a glo­bal IP blacklist
  • Set up your tele­pho­ne system eit­her in the cloud or on site – with Win­dows, Linux, a mini PC or even a Raspber­ry Pi

Thanks to the modern and intui­ti­ve manage­ment con­so­le, you can:

  • Crea­te, edit or remo­ve exten­si­ons and DIDs.
  • Easi­ly update the firm­ware of your IP telephones.
  • Remo­te­ly repro­vi­si­on and restart IP telephones.
  • Import or dele­te all cont­acts at the same time.
  • Easi­ly imple­ment ser­ver-side CRM integrations.

With 3CX you have full con­trol over your tele­pho­ne system and can cus­to­mi­ze it accor­ding to your indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments. Don’t hesi­ta­te any lon­ger and switch to a modern solu­ti­on that will save you time, effort and stress. Find out more about 3CX and how it can help your business!

With 3CX you can set up your tele­pho­ne system easi­ly, fle­xi­bly and enti­re­ly accor­ding to your needs. Deci­de for yours­elf whe­ther you want to use 3CX in the cloud via your own account or pre­fer an on-pre­mi­se solu­ti­on, and retain full con­trol over your data at all times.

Set­up in the cloud

With PBX Express, you can set up your free cloud tele­pho­ne system in just a few minu­tes. Choo­se from a varie­ty of estab­lished cloud pro­vi­ders such as Goog­le, Micro­soft Azu­re, Ama­zon Web Ser­vices, Ama­zon Light­sail and many others. Get your free stan­dard licen­se now and get started!

On-pre­mi­se – set­up on site

Set up 3CX on an exi­sting Win­dows or Linux machi­ne. Alter­na­tively, you can also set it up using a mini PC or Raspber­ry Pi. Bene­fit from vir­tua­lizati­on and segre­ga­ti­on with Hyper‑V, VMware or KVM to opti­mal­ly adapt your tele­pho­ne system.

At 3CX, your needs take cen­ter stage. Whe­ther cloud or on-pre­mi­se, we offer you the fle­xi­bi­li­ty and con­trol you need. Get star­ted today with your indi­vi­du­al tele­pho­ne system solu­ti­on and expe­ri­ence the bene­fits of 3CX.

On-site or in the cloud: the choice is yours

Secu­ri­ty & Backup

At 3CX, we set the stan­dard in VoIP secu­ri­ty. Our inte­gra­ted secu­ri­ty func­tions have been spe­ci­fi­cal­ly deve­lo­ped to pro­tect your pho­ne system from any attacks. We offer you:

  • Increa­sed secu­ri­ty in the web ser­ver configuration
  • Auto­ma­tic detec­tion and black­li­sting of SIP attack tools
  • A glo­bal IP black­list that is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly updated for par­ti­ci­pa­ting tele­pho­ne systems
  • Encryp­ti­on of traf­fic to 3CX apps via our secu­re 3CX tunnel
  • Encryp­ti­on of voice traf­fic via SRTP
  • Auto­ma­tic crea­ti­on and manage­ment of SSL certificates
  • Revo­lu­tio­na­ry VoIP secu­ri­ty with an A+ rating from SSL Labs
  • Auto­ma­tic fail-safe­ty through imme­dia­te data backup
  • Secu­re encryp­ti­on bet­ween brow­ser and web­site using HTTPS
  • IP-based access rest­ric­tion for the 3CX manage­ment console

Put your trust in 3CX and pro­tect your pho­ne system with our com­pre­hen­si­ve secu­ri­ty solutions.

With 3CX, you always have your exten­si­on with you. Whe­ther you are on the move or working in the office, you can always be rea­ched with our ver­sa­ti­le solu­ti­ons. Dis­co­ver the advan­ta­ges of our inte­gra­ted com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on options:

  • Use the 3CX apps on your Android or iOS device for opti­mum mobility
  • Use our user-fri­end­ly Win­dows soft­phones for seam­less inte­gra­ti­on into your working environment
  • Bene­fit from our user-fri­end­ly Web­RTC soft­phone for easy com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on via the web browser
  • Offer your cus­to­mers a first-class com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on expe­ri­ence with the 3CX Live Chat & Talk plug­in, which enables direct cont­act via your website
  • Run inte­gra­ted video con­fe­ren­cing systems for effi­ci­ent collaboration

Apps & fea­tures for 3CX telephony

Lar­ge sel­ec­tion (IP tele­pho­ne) for 3CX tele­pho­ne system

voip telefonie

Snom, the pio­neer in the field of pro­fes­sio­nal VoIP tele­pho­ny, com­ple­ments our ser­vices per­fect­ly. Here you will find a careful­ly sel­ec­ted ran­ge of Snom pro­ducts and devices that we recom­mend espe­ci­al­ly for pro­fes­sio­nal use in the work­place, on the move and in pro­ces­sing work areas.

Of cour­se, we can also offer you tele­pho­ne solu­ti­ons from other manu­fac­tu­r­ers. Sim­ply cont­act us and we will be hap­py to help you.

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