
SNOM tele­pho­nes

Sophi­sti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy for pro­fes­sio­nals – Dis­co­ver the Snom phones

Snom, the pio­neer of pro­fes­sio­nal VoIP tele­pho­ny, com­ple­ments our ran­ge with a diver­se sel­ec­tion of tele­pho­ne solu­ti­ons. Whe­ther desk pho­nes or hand­sets (DECT), we recom­mend Snom pro­ducts for pro­fes­sio­nal use in the work­place, on the move and also in deman­ding working environments.

Bene­fit from inno­va­ti­ve design, out­stan­ding qua­li­ty and relia­ble per­for­mance with Snom pho­nes. Dis­co­ver the right solu­ti­on for your indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments now!

Not sure which device best suits your needs? Make an appoint­ment or send us a short mes­sa­ge and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Out­stan­ding audio quality

Sound design is an art at Snom. It is at the heart of the deve­lo­p­ment and inclu­des some of the world’s most advan­ced sound opti­mizati­on tools.

Sophi­sti­ca­ted software 

Snom soft­ware has been con­ti­nuous­ly deve­lo­ped and impro­ved for 15 years. With over 900 func­tions and set­ting opti­ons, the Snom soft­ware is powerful, fle­xi­ble and versatile.

Deve­lo­ped in Germany 

SNOM’s goal is per­fec­tion in IP tele­pho­ny. SNOM achie­ves this through atten­ti­on to detail and solu­ti­ons that are ele­gant, prac­ti­cal, cost-effec­ti­ve and offer out­stan­ding audio quality.

snom M‑Series

Expe­ri­ence unli­mi­t­ed mobi­li­ty and simul­ta­neous acces­si­bi­li­ty at the work­place thanks to DECT – the indu­stry-lea­ding stan­dard for wire­less telecommunication.

Immer­se yours­elf in a world of free­dom and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty as you navi­ga­te seam­less­ly through your working envi­ron­ment. With DECT, you can enjoy the bene­fits of unli­mi­t­ed mobi­li­ty wit­hout having to com­pro­mi­se on accessibility.

Dis­co­ver the free­dom of always being con­nec­ted and expe­ri­ence the incom­pa­ra­ble fle­xi­bi­li­ty of DECT technology.

M70  Office DECT handset 
The Snom M70 DECT hand­set is the per­fect office all-roun­der for unli­mi­t­ed mobi­li­ty in the work­place. The hand­set is not only extre­me­ly light and com­pact, it is also par­ti­cu­lar­ly robust thanks to its high qua­li­ty and outer pro­tec­ti­ve cover. 
M80  Rug­ge­dized DECT handset 
The Snom M80 is the per­fect all-roun­der for both indoor and out­door use. The hand­set is extre­me­ly light and com­pact and is par­ti­cu­lar­ly robust and dura­ble thanks to the spe­cial hea­vy-duty casing (IP 65 and MIL-STD 810g certified). 
M90  Anti­bac­te­ri­al DECT handset 
The M90 DECT hand­set is spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned for use in hos­pi­tals and care homes and whe­re­ver cle­an­li­ness and hygie­ne play an important role. 
M85 industrial handset
M85 indu­stri­al handset  Robust IP65 DECT phone 
The M85 indu­stri­al hand­set has been deve­lo­ped to meet the hig­hest demands in ever­y­day working life. The modern DECT over IP tele­pho­ne is par­ti­cu­lar­ly robust and shock-resistant. 
M65 Professional handset
M65 Pro­fes­sio­nal handset  DECT handset 
With its ele­gant appear­ance and exten­si­ve ran­ge of func­tions, the M65 is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for users who expect more from their pho­ne system. 
M25 Office handset
M25 Office handset  DECT hand­set for busi­ness use 
The M25 DECT hand­set is an effi­ci­ent, high-qua­li­ty device that offers excel­lent value for money. It is desi­gned for ever­y­day busi­ness use and is equip­ped with a rech­ar­geable AAA stan­dard battery. 

snom D3 series

The Snom D3 series embo­dies the unmist­aka­ble Euro­pean style and has pro­ven its­elf a mil­li­on times over as the first choice for ever­y­day office use. The­se pho­nes offer qua­li­ty and func­tion­a­li­ty that are essen­ti­al in ever­y­day working life, whe­ther you are working on site or tra­ve­ling in hosted PBX envi­ron­ments. Rely on pro­ven relia­bi­li­ty and out­stan­ding per­for­mance with the Snom D3 series – your ide­al com­pa­n­ion in the office.

D315 Desk phone
D315 Desk phone  A pro­fes­sio­nal end device with a high screen resolution 
The D315 is a pro­fes­sio­nal end device with a high screen reso­lu­ti­on that meets all the important requi­re­ments of VoIP tele­pho­ny and offers many func­tions that are of gre­at value to the busi­ness world. 
D335 Desk phone
D335 Desk phone  A mul­ti­face­ted pro­ject telephone 
The cost-effec­ti­ve Snom D335 is the litt­le brot­her of the D385, our flag­ship of the 3 series. It has a high-reso­lu­ti­on TFT color dis­play which is framed by 8 phy­si­cal, free­ly pro­gramma­ble func­tion keys. 
D385 Desk phone
D385 Desk phone  The per­fect blend of ele­gan­ce and sta­te-of-the-art technology 
On the lar­ge 4.3″ TFT color dis­play, the pho­ne offers easy access to all important infor­ma­ti­on such as call lists, address books and functions. 

snom D8 series

It is not only the need for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on that is con­stant­ly evol­ving, but also the way in which we com­mu­ni­ca­te. For this rea­son, Snom reli­es on sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies to meet the­se requi­re­ments. With our inno­va­ti­ve D8 series, we offer you the future of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on – more effi­ci­ent, more fle­xi­ble and more intui­ti­ve than ever befo­re. Dis­co­ver the latest fea­tures and expe­ri­ence a who­le new way of com­mu­ni­ca­ting with Snom.

D862 Desk telephone
D862 Desk telephone  Ent­ry-level device with 5″ LCD screen 
The D862 is equip­ped with a beau­tiful, 40° infi­ni­te­ly adjusta­ble LCD screen with a size of 5″, offe­ring a very good over­view, regard­less of the light­ing situa­ti­on at the workstation. 
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