
Cus­to­mi­zed tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and ICT solu­ti­ons for your company

Wel­co­me to Con­nec­tics! We are your part­ner for tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and ICT in Wein­fel­den. If you are plan­ning to purcha­se a new tele­pho­ne system such as 3CX or ano­ther IP solu­ti­on for your com­pa­ny, you are faced with many decisions.

We know that choo­sing the right tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons solution is an important decis­i­on. That’s why we are hap­py to sup­port you! We take the time to under­stand your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and needs and work with you to find the best solution.

Various fac­tors need to be taken into account. On the one hand, the que­sti­on ari­ses as to whe­ther an in-hou­se system with an on-site ser­ver or an exter­nal cloud solu­ti­on with a vir­tu­al tele­pho­ne system should be selected.

Other fac­tors such as secu­ri­ty, buil­ding size, num­ber of pos­si­ble loca­ti­ons and the com­pa­ny struc­tu­re must be careful­ly exami­ned in order to sel­ect a flaw­less, effi­ci­ent and sus­tainable tele­pho­ny solu­ti­on with the right infrastructure.

Thanks to our expe­ri­ence and exper­ti­se, you can rely on us. We pro­vi­de you with com­pre­hen­si­ve advice and ensu­re that you recei­ve the per­fect solu­ti­on for your needs. Cont­act us today, our team of experts will be hap­py to help you.


hosted by Connectics 
CHF  69  per month (excl. VAT)
Mini­mum term 12 months
  • Ide­al für KMU 2 – 10 Mitarbeiter 
  • 3CX Telefonanlage 
  • Pro Lizenz gleich­zei­tig 4 Gespräche 
  • Hosting auf unse­ren Ser­vern
    (CH Based)
  • SIP Trunk 
  • Initialsetup * 
  • Migra­ti­ons­num­mern verfügbar ** 


hosted by Connectics 
CHF  99  per month (excl. VAT)
Mini­mum term 12 months
  • Ide­al für KMU 11 – 25 Mitarbeiter 
  • 3CX Telefonanlage 
  • Pro Lizenz gleich­zei­tig 8 Gespräche 
  • Hosting auf unse­ren Ser­vern
    (CH Based)
  • SIP Trunk 
  • Initialsetup * 
  • Migra­ti­ons­num­mern verfügbar ** 


hosted by Connectics 
CHF  159  per month (excl. VAT)
Mini­mum term 12 months
  • Ide­al für KMU 26 – 50 Mitarbeiter 
  • 3CX Telefonanlage 
  • Pro Lizenz gleich­zei­tig 16 Gespräche 
  • Hosting auf unse­ren Ser­vern
    (CH Based)
  • SIP Trunk 
  • Initialsetup * 
  • Migra­ti­ons­num­mern verfügbar ** 

Some of our projects

Request your non-bin­ding quo­te now.

Based on this simp­le list of que­sti­ons, we can pro­vi­de you with an initi­al non-bin­ding quo­te for your tele­pho­ne system. Fill in the details and we will send you your indi­vi­du­al offer shortly. 

Sel­ect your requirements

Sel­ect the num­ber and desi­red devices

Desk­top phones

Wire­less tele­pho­nes (DECT)

How lar­ge is the area to be sup­plied with radio inm2 (squa­re meters)?

We are making an assump­ti­on here about the requi­red radio cells. As soon as the­re are seve­ral rooms or lar­ger rooms with a lot of metal or glass, a mea­su­re­ment must be car­ri­ed out to ensu­re clean radio coverage

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and requirements

Cont­act details

Con­nec­tics gmbh – Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Weinfelden

| Your part­ner for VOIP and 3XC tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Wein­fel­den, Thur­gau, Eastern Switzerland

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