
Free 3CX inno­va­ti­on in the spotlight

In the ever-chan­ging world of cor­po­ra­te com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, it is cru­cial to keep pace with inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons. Have you heard about the free ver­si­on of the tele­pho­ne system from Con­nec­tics GmbH? If not, it’s high time you dis­co­ver­ed the bene­fits of this pio­nee­ring platform.

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on rede­fi­ned: 3CX Free

Con­nec­tics GmbH pres­ents a free ver­si­on of its advan­ced com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on solu­ti­on. This vari­ant offers com­pa­nies the oppor­tu­ni­ty to immer­se them­sel­ves in the world of modern com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wit­hout bur­de­ning their bud­get. VoIP tele­pho­ny, video con­fe­ren­cing and instant mes­sa­ging – ever­ything your com­pa­ny needs is now available free of char­ge. Up to 10 users, tele­pho­ny for small busi­nesses – free of char­ge (stan­dard call char­ges app­ly accor­ding to provider)

Focus on user-friendliness

An inno­va­ti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on solu­ti­on should not only be powerful, but also user-fri­end­ly. 3CX Free from Con­nec­tics GmbH pro­vi­des you with an intui­ti­ve plat­form that is easy to imple­ment and ope­ra­te. Whe­ther you are an IT pro­fes­sio­nal or a beg­in­ner – user-fri­end­li­ness is the focus to make your life easier.

Fle­xi­ble scaling

Com­pa­nies are dyna­mic and con­stant­ly gro­wing. With our solu­ti­on, you don’t have to worry about sca­la­bi­li­ty. The plat­form adapts fle­xi­bly to the requi­re­ments of your com­pa­ny. As your busi­ness grows, you can upgrade to a low-cost small busi­ness plan with just a few clicks.

Secu­ri­ty that crea­tes trust

Con­nec­tics GmbH places the hig­hest value on secu­ri­ty. All licen­ses offer advan­ced secu­ri­ty stan­dards to ensu­re the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty of your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. Your data is pro­tec­ted and you can focus on moving your busi­ness for­ward wit­hout worry­ing about secu­ri­ty risks.

Digi­tal chan­ge made easy

A solu­ti­on from Con­nec­tics GmbH makes digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on easy for com­pa­nies of all sizes. Dis­co­ver a new era of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wit­hout brea­king your bud­get. Con­nec­tics GmbH makes it pos­si­ble – free inno­va­ti­on for your com­pany­’s success!

Find out more about the free ver­si­on and start into a future of modern com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on – wit­hout compromise.

Flat-rate set-up fee

If you need help set­ting up your new tele­pho­ne system, we have ano­ther sur­pri­se for you. Only with us, we set the­se up for a one-off flat rate of CHF 99 (basic con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on simi­lar to our Pro solutions).

Regi­ster now for free and get star­ted right away!

ATTENTION: not all fea­tures are available in the free ver­si­on and the­re are limi­ta­ti­ons. All Free Edi­ti­ons are also hosted direct­ly by 3CX and not on Con­nec­tics GmbH ser­vers. You can find all infor­ma­ti­on direct­ly at this link. We will be hap­py to help you choo­se the right vari­ant. Plea­se get in touch with us.

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