Live Chat

Live chat: real-time cus­to­mer com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on via your web­site or WhatsApp!

The live chat solu­ti­on is a func­tion of the 3CX tele­pho­ne system. Live chat is a popu­lar way to get in touch with cus­to­mers. Soo­ner or later, howe­ver, you will have to switch to a call … Oh hel­lo 3CX Pho­ne System! We are con­fi­dent that you will be com­pa­ring 3CX with all other pho­ne systems soo­ner rather than later! We offer both live chat and calls – and much more – free of charge.

In addi­ti­on to Word­Press, 3CX Live­chat also works with Drup­al, Joom­la, Wix, Squa­re­space and Weebly.

See for yours­elf. With 5‑star ratings and almost 3 mil­li­on down­loads, 3CX Live Chat is as relia­ble as it gets! To date, the­re are also more than 350,000 instal­la­ti­ons of 3CX in many indu­stries and com­pa­ny sizes from small to lar­ge. It is a pro­ven, tested and relia­ble free live chat solu­ti­on and tele­pho­ne system.

Invi­te your web visi­tors to a free con­ver­sa­ti­on with you via your “3CX Talk” link. It is not neces­sa­ry to copy and paste num­bers. Anyo­ne who has the link can call you via their brow­ser. Place the Meet link on your web­site or in your e‑mail signa­tu­re. It’s as simp­le as that.

Switch to 3CX for free live chat and more. Add the 3CX pho­ne system with all its value-added ser­vices and see your call costs – exces­si­ve call rates, inter­na­tio­nal call rates and expen­si­ve “value-added ser­vices” – dis­ap­pear overnight.

Are you inte­re­sted in dis­co­ve­ring and using the­se and many other func­tions? Get in touch with us and or arran­ge a free con­sul­ta­ti­on and we will be hap­py to show you what is possible. 

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