
The new stan­dard in the world of modern IP telephony


The Snom D865 is par­ti­cu­lar­ly ver­sa­ti­le and the­r­e­fo­re offers the right solu­ti­on for most ever­y­day office tasks.

Equip­ped with WiFi, Blue­tooth and 2 USB ports as well as 10 free­ly pro­gramma­ble func­tion keys, the Snom D865 ful­fills every wish. It also comes with a high-qua­li­ty, 40° con­ti­nuous­ly adjusta­ble 5″ LCD screen, which always ensu­res an opti­mum dis­play, regard­less of the light­ing situa­ti­on at the workstation.

Apart from that, the voice qua­li­ty is, as usu­al with Snom, sim­ply out­stan­ding. Based on HD audio, it also works with advan­ced noi­se reduc­tion. It is also com­pa­ti­ble with hea­ring aids.

The Snom D865 com­bi­nes ver­sa­ti­le tech­no­lo­gies, excel­lent voice qua­li­ty and an opti­mal design in one device.


Its smal­ler brot­her, the D862, looks iden­ti­cal, but has no inte­gra­ted WiFi and Blue­tooth. The­se can be retro­fit­ted using a dongle. 

Defi­ni­te­ly a good choice

Regard­less of which device you choo­se, both have a high-qua­li­ty finish, offer PoE and a Giga­bit switch and have an anti­bac­te­ri­al trea­ted surface. 

A real­ly good choice in com­bi­na­ti­on with our tele­pho­ne system.

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