
Imprint and data protection


Cont­act address

Con­nec­tics GmbH
Mühl­fang­stras­se 1
8570 Wein­fel­den


Aut­ho­ri­zed representative(s)

Niko­li­na Egli, Mana­ging Direc­tor
Com­mer­cial regi­ster entry

Regi­stered com­pa­ny name:

Con­nec­tics GmbH

Com­pa­ny num­ber (UID):


VAT num­ber

CHE-306.323.696 MWST


The aut­hor assu­mes no lia­bi­li­ty whatsoe­ver with regard to the cor­rect­ness, accu­ra­cy, up-to-daten­ess, relia­bi­li­ty and com­ple­ten­ess of the information.

Lia­bi­li­ty claims against the aut­hor for dama­ges of a mate­ri­al or imma­te­ri­al natu­re ari­sing from access to or use or non-use of the published infor­ma­ti­on, misu­se of the con­nec­tion or tech­ni­cal faults are excluded.

All offers are non-bin­ding. The aut­hor express­ly reser­ves the right to chan­ge, sup­ple­ment or dele­te parts of the pages or the enti­re offer wit­hout spe­cial noti­ce or to cea­se publi­ca­ti­on tem­po­r­a­ri­ly or permanently.

Dis­clai­mer for links

Refe­ren­ces and links to third-par­ty web­sites are out­side our area of respon­si­bi­li­ty. Any respon­si­bi­li­ty for such web­sites is rejec­ted. Access to and use of such web­sites is at the user’s own risk.


The copy­right and all other rights to con­tent, images, pho­tos or other files on this web­site belong exclu­si­ve­ly to Con­nec­tics GmbH or the spe­ci­fi­cal­ly named rights hol­ders. The writ­ten con­sent of the copy­right hol­der must be obtai­ned in advan­ce for the repro­duc­tion of any elements.

Source: Swiss­An­walt

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