
UPS (unin­ter­rup­ti­ble power sup­p­ly) – more important than ever


Emer­gen­cy power systems are an indis­pensable part of a relia­ble power sup­p­ly and are used in various are­as of appli­ca­ti­on. As a cer­ti­fi­ed part­ner of Ver­tiv, we offer a wide ran­ge of systems in all sizes. Our solu­ti­ons ensu­re a con­ti­nuous flow of elec­tri­ci­ty and pro­tect sen­si­ti­ve elec­tro­nic devices from power fail­ures and vol­ta­ge fluc­tua­tions. Trust in our exper­ti­se and the qua­li­ty of our pro­ducts for a relia­ble power supply.

They are indis­pensable in various are­as, such as hos­pi­tals, data cen­ters, cash regi­ster systems, ele­va­tors and office buil­dings. The appli­ca­ti­ons are almost unli­mi­t­ed and the­r­e­fo­re solid plan­ning is abso­lut­e­ly essential.

Our power sup­p­ly services

We also offer a com­pre­hen­si­ve ran­ge of ser­vices, inclu­ding pro­ject plan­ning, instal­la­ti­on, main­ten­an­ce and repair. Our team of expe­ri­en­ced tech­ni­ci­ans is at your dis­po­sal to ensu­re that your system func­tions opti­mal­ly. With our many years of expe­ri­ence and our first-class cus­to­mer ser­vice, we are your part­ner when it comes to elec­tri­ci­ty secu­ri­ty. Cont­act us today to find out more about our solu­ti­ons and how we can help you ensu­re an unin­ter­rup­ti­ble power supply.

You can also find fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on our home­page

Power outa­ges in the recent past

The news­pa­pers keep wri­ting about minor or major outa­ges in the sup­p­ly net­work. The­re was an inter­rup­ti­on in All­schwil in Basel as recent­ly as Janu­ary. Last year, the­re were also outa­ges in Bern. How long they last is usual­ly of secon­da­ry importance; our IT and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on systems today are so sen­si­ti­ve that an inter­rup­ti­on of mil­li­se­conds is enough for ser­vers or com­pu­ters to suf­fer a loss of data. At the check­outs of the shop­ping cen­ters, the payment ter­mi­nals no lon­ger work or you can only pay cash in the restau­rant (which is basi­cal­ly the best thing from our point of view) but the restau­rant ope­ra­tor can no lon­ger make boo­kings in his system. Ever­ything is so inter­con­nec­ted that a small dis­rup­ti­on can cau­se so many things to hap­pen and the system collapses. 

Plan­ning is the key factor

All requi­re­ments are indi­vi­du­al, depen­ding on what the goal is, plan­ning must be com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent. Should it be a modu­lar solu­ti­on? Is space the decisi­ve fac­tor? Which pro­ces­ses need to be pro­tec­ted and for how long? The­re are count­less other aspects that need to be taken into account to avo­id unp­lea­sant sur­pri­ses in an emer­gen­cy. Talk to our plan­ners, we will be hap­py to take time for you.

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