
Did you know that our tele­pho­ne systems include a digi­tal recep­tio­nist func­tion, the so-cal­led IVR, which can be pro­grammed spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to your needs?

You know how it is, you call com­pa­ny XY and it rings and rings and rings. After a few times you make sure that you have dia­led the cor­rect num­ber. Yes, tha­t’s true, but why does not­hing hap­pen apart from rin­ging? Are they loo­king for someone to take my call soon or are they all busy?

Now ima­gi­ne you call com­pa­ny XY again and imme­dia­te­ly a fri­end­ly voice (we use pro­fes­sio­nal spea­k­ers and no AI) greets you warm­ly and lets you know that you have dia­led the cor­rect num­ber and that they are loo­king for a free­lan­cer. Music on hold (yes, we know they can be annoy­ing too) is play­ed, the wai­ting posi­ti­on can be announ­ced and, if desi­red, even mes­sa­ges such as “Did you know that you can find many help topics on our home­page www.xy.ch?” can be play­ed. – can be played.

In addi­ti­on, you can crea­te a cas­ca­ding (this is also inclu­ded with us except for the free licen­se of 3CX ). You are gree­ted and have the opti­on of sel­ec­ting the lan­guage using the key­pad or going to the right depart­ment. In the back­ground, the system pro­grams whe­re the door­bell should ring. We can even set up Skil­led Based Rou­ting wit­hout any pro­blems. This ensu­res that calls are dis­tri­bu­ted accor­ding to the skills of the employees.

As you can see, the­re are count­less ways to use this func­tion. Give us a call and we will be hap­py to work with you to crea­te pro­ces­ses tail­o­red to your requi­re­ments and set them up.

Of cour­se, the who­le thing can be com­bi­ned with time con­trol, making it easy to ensu­re that a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent announce­ment is made at the weekend than on weekdays.

Here is a sum­ma­ry of some of the spe­cial benefits:

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